Class Descriptions
Preschool Coordinator – Steffenie R.
Lions, Tigers, and Bears -- Oh MY!
Please diligently restock the children's bags each Monday evening (don't forget diapers and wipes).
Infants and Babies
(Under one year old by September 1)
Lead Support Mom: Katlyn P.
A nursery class is provided for those wishing to leave their infant with the nursery staff. Feel free to take your infant with you if you prefer. If you need help, please let the preschool coordinator know. For their safety, all mobile babies need to be in the nursery.
"Infants" are children with birthdays after September 1st of this school year.
“Babies” are children with their first birthdays before September 1st of this school year.
Once “babies” start walking well, they are moved to the Bears roster (see below).
(One year old by September 1)
Lead Teacher: Stephanie P.
Lions and Tigers
(Two to three years old before September 1)
Lead Teacher: Victoria C.
Bears enjoy free play and loving care.
Tigers enjoy free play, read aloud time, simple crafts, and loving care.
Children usually go outside to play. Keep this in mind when choosing their clothes and shoes for the day.
Each child is picked up at lunchtime. Do not be late so the teachers can get to lunch with their own children! Parents may arrange for older siblings to pick up children with the child’s teacher.
Moms should plan to take their child to the restroom or change their diaper after lunch, and help them get settled on their mats for nap time before they leave.
Supply List (to be brought each week):
Sippy Cup (labeled with child’s name)
Kindermat (labeled)
Diapers and wipes
Blanket and/or lovie for naps
(four years old by September 1)
Lead Teacher: Melinda W. & Kim S.
Pre-K classes include read-aloud time, crafts, games, free play, and a music class.
All preschoolers have some time outside every day. Keep this in mind when choosing their clothes and shoes for the day.
Pre-K kiddos will have a rest time after lunch. Moms should plan to take their child to the rest room and help them get settled before they leave.
Pre-K Supply List (to be brought each week):
Water Bottle (labeled with child’s name)
Kindermat (labeled)
Blanket and/or lovie for naps
Backpack to carry home crafts and water bottles
(Five years old by September 1)
Lead Teachers: Tabitha D. and Kayla W.
Kindergarteners will enjoy read-aloud time, crafts, games, free play, and a music class.
All kindergarteners have some time outside every day. Keep this in mind when choosing their clothes and shoes for the day.
Kindergarten Supply List (to be brought each week):
Water Bottle (labeled with child’s name)
Wide-ruled spiral or composition notebook
Backpack to carry home crafts and water bottles
Curriculum Coordinator: Cathy W.
First and second graders travel as a unit.
Third and fourth graders travel as a unit.
Although the double-grade groups often have the same subjects, the content is adjusted to be developmentally appropriate for the various ages.
1st-4th General Supply List:
Backpack or satchel (labeled with child's name)
Inexpensive binder or folder (to hold handouts, art, etc.)
Sharpened Pencil (every week!)
Water Bottle for PE (labeled with child's name)
How to use this document
Only required or recommended items are listed for each class.
In explaining annual course rotations, "odd years" refers to school years beginning in an odd-numbered year (i.e. 2023-2024), and "even years" refers to school years beginning in an even-numbered year (i.e. 2024-2025).
Elementary Memory Work - General Information
Several elementary classes will provide opportunities to engage in the introduction and practice of memory pegs pertaining to that study or unit. While no outside work is required for 1st-4th graders, interested CHEC families can follow at home through the Claritas Memory Work Guides. The 24-25 school year will follow Cycle 3.
Elementary Writing - General Information
CHEC classes provide opportunities to engage in narration, storytelling, and the traits of good writing, but should not be considered a language arts curriculum. Families need to teach the fundamentals of reading, grammar, and writing at home.
Writing Workshop – 1st-4th Grades
Lead Teacher: Hilary Keith
Low-stress writing workshops
Focus on the process and evaluation of writing
6 + 1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide, Grades 3 and Up by Ruth Culham will be used by the co-op teacher and may be helpful for the home teacher as a resource and support, but is optional.
1st-4th Writing Workshop Supply List:
Spiral Notebook with wide-rule paper
(1st Grade) Notebook with handwriting paper for beginning writers
Sharpened Pencil
Elementary Science - General Information
Apologia's Exploring Creation elementary science books are the texts for the elementary science classes.
For all of the Apologia elementary science books, owning a book gives parents free resources to go with that book. Apologia requires a personal account in order to access the book extras for the books you have. If you do not have an account, you may create one by going to their website
The 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th science classes follow a rotation through four Apologia elementary textbooks:
Year 1: Botany (Apologia's Exploring Creation with Botany)
Year 2: Astronomy (Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy)
Year 3: Swimming Creatures (Apologia's Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 - Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day)
Year 4: Flying Creatures (Apologia's Exploring Creation with Zoology 1 - Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day)
Elementary Science - 1st/2nd Grades and 3rd/4th Grades
Lead Teacher: Ashley M.
2024-2025 (Year 2) Astronomy
Reading at home is beneficial and recommended for 3rd and 4th grades, but not required for class participation, especially in the 1st and 2nd age group. A schedule will be published on Band for families that desire to read along.
Co-op prefers the 2nd edition and it will be used by the teacher. However, those who choose to read along may use either edition, as the reading schedule will be released for both editions.
1st-4th Science Supply List:
Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy, either edition - though 2nd is preferred (optional, but recommended for 3rd and 4th grades)
Social Science/History
Foundations – 1st/2nd Grades
Lead Teacher: Aliza K.
Focus is on little things that we may forget to teach at home but are essential building blocks
Primary goal is to teach some important geography (U.S. in even years and World in odd) through culture exposure, read alouds, and hands-on activities.
Foundations Supply List:
Elementary History – 3rd/4th Grades
Lead Teachers: Chauna G./Emily C.
Emphasis on God’s hand throughout HIStory with attention given to particular events and notable persons within specific eras.
Families wanting to study at home could consider utilizing The Story of the World texts.
While no outside reading is required, a schedule will be on the Elementary History Band for families who want to follow at home.
3rd-6th History follows a four-year rotation:
1st year - Story of the World Volume 1
2nd year - Story of the World Volume 2
3rd year - Story of the World Volume 3
4th year - Story of the World Volume 4
2024-2025 (3rd year) Volume 3
3rd-6th History Supply List:
OPTIONAL: Claritas Cycle 3 Memory Work Guide
$3 fee for materials
Fine Arts
Music - 1st/2nd Grades and 3rd/4th Grades
1st/2nd Lead Teacher: Sarah F.
3rd/4th Lead Teacher: Brandi T.
Splash of Spanish: J'Lae W.
1st & 2nd grade students learn about musical styles, composers, and instruments through listening and movement.
Visual aids, games, and physical activity help introduce rhythms, music theory, and ear training.
3rd and 4th-grade students continue activities to learn music reading and instrument playing.
SPLASH OF SPANISH - a short Spanish lesson will be provided at the beginning of Music class, including basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar. Lessons are short and sweet.
1st-4th Music Supply List:
Folder or 3-ring binder for music handouts. Please bring to every class.
Physical Education
PE & Games – 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th Grades
Lead Teacher 1st/2nd: Mary M.
Lead Teacher 3rd/4th: Bethany R.
The students play games outside, weather permitting. If a student cannot participate for any reason, they should stay with their parent inside.
The three requirements for PE include:
Proper attire - tennis shoes & weather-appropriate outerwear
Plenty to drink - water bottle labeled with the student’s name
Positive attitude
1st-4th PE Supply List:
Water bottle (labeled with child's name)
Tennis shoes & appropriate clothing
Curriculum Coordinator: Cathy W.
How to use this document
Only required or recommended items are listed for each class.
In explaining annual course rotations, "odd years" refers to school years beginning in an odd-numbered year (i.e. 2023-2024), and "even years" refers to school years beginning in an even-numbered year (i.e. 2024-2025).
Elementary Memory Work - General Information
Several elementary classes will provide opportunities to engage in the introduction and practice of memory pegs pertaining to that study or unit. While no outside time is required for this memory work, interested CHEC families can follow at home through the Claritas Memory Work Guides.
Combined Book Club and Writing – 5th-6th Grades
Lead Teacher: Jessica S.
Class time utilizes a Charlotte Mason approach to reading and writing, combining both living books and narration
2024-2025 Book Club Book List
Love That Dog by Sharon Creech
Call it Courage by Armstrong Sperry
Gladys Aylward by Janet & Geoff Benge
Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
Amos Fortune, Free Man by Elizabeth Yates
Homesick by Jean Fritz
Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
Summer of the Monkeys by Wilson Rawls
Weekly reading IS required to participate fully in this class.
6 + 1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide, Grades 3 and Up by Ruth Culham will be used as a resource for the co-op teacher but is not necessary for the home teacher.
Elements of Institute for Excellence in Writing will be used, but no materials are required for families to obtain.
Time is allotted for practicing writing skills and learning to write short paragraphs within given guidelines and parameters.
A reading schedule will be posted on Band, and parents should make every effort to secure copies of the books by the appointed times.
5th/6th Book Club/Writing Supply List:
Composition notebook for vocabulary and writing practice
Pencil with eraser
All books from the book club list above
Elementary Science - General Information
Apologia's Exploring Creation elementary science books are the texts for the elementary science classes.
For all of the Apologia elementary science books, owning a book gives parents free resources to go with that book. Apologia requires a personal account to access the book extras for the books you have. If you do not have an account, you may create one by going to their website
The 5th/6th science class follows a rotation through two texts:
Apologia's Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology (odd-numbered years)
Apologia's Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics (even-numbered years)
Elementary Science - 5th/6th Grades
Lead Teachers: Bethany R. and Christen N.
2024-2025 (even year) - Chemistry and Physics
There will be a fun class project the spring semester. Students will be building sonar devices with Arduinos! These will belong to CHEC and will be used every other year. Thus, they will not be going home with the students. However, if your student wants to take one home, you may purchase one for $25.
There is a $12 supply fee for experimental materials, not including the sonar device.
5th/6th Science Supply List:
Apologia's Exploring Creation with Chemistry & Physics
200 Notecards
Folder for handouts
$12 supply fee
Elementary History – 5th/6th Grades
Lead Teachers: Chauna G./Emily C.
Emphasis on God’s hand throughout HIStory with attention given to particular events and notable persons within specific eras.
Families wanting to study at home could consider utilizing The Story of the World texts.
While no outside reading is required, a schedule will be provided on the Elementary History Band for families who would like to follow at home.
3rd-6th History follows a four year rotation:
1st year - Story of the World Volume 1
2nd year - Story of the World Volume 2
3rd year - Story of the World Volume 3
4th year - Story of the World Volume 4
2024-2025 (3rd year) Volume 3
3rd-6th History Supply List:
OPTIONAL: Claritas Cycle 3 Memory Work Guide
$3 fee for materials
Art – 5th Grade
Lead Teacher: Elissa Q.
5th graders will be introduced to basic art techniques as a solid foundation for future art lovers and artists.
This class emphasizes having fun while exploring creativity!
The year is divided between drawing and painting instruction.
Each student will create at least one drawing and a painting on canvas.
Step-by-step instruction will be given on how to draw, blend colors, and apply brushstrokes.
Students will have the opportunity to share about an artist or piece of artwork at various times throughout the year.
A numbered supply box during drawing, and a numbered felt roll-up (painting tools container) during painting are distributed to use throughout the class.
There is a $10 art fee to maintain these supplies and purchase consumable products.
Students are expected to care well for the shared materials.
On painting days, aprons will be provided by the teacher.
CHEC will supply a sketchbook for students to take home each week and bring back each Tuesday.
5th Grade Art Supply List:
$10 art fee
Chimes & Communication - 5th/6th Grades
Music/Chimes Lead Teacher: Brandi T.
Communication Lead Teacher: Julie H.
This class is split into two time portions. Fifth graders participate in chime ensemble while sixth graders participate in communication class and vice versa.
CHIMES: Utilizing hand chimes, 5th and 6th grade students learn ear training and reading music.
Students benefit from the opportunity to learn, listen, and play their individual parts within a group.
There is a $12 fee to defray the cost of the hand chimes.
COMMUNICATION: Students will practice presentation and communication skills through occasional speeches, cooperative games, and class activities.
Students will present in class two to three times throughout the year. Presentations can be well prepared and polished with the home teacher (aka mom) throughout the week, or they can be impromptu.
5th/6th Chimes & Communication Supply List:
The same composition book used for Book Club and Writing will be used for Communication.
Pencil with eraser
$12 fee for hand chimes
Music Appreciation – 6th Grade
Lead Teacher: Heather V.
An exploration of music history from the early 1600s to modern day
Focuses on the artistic eras, styles, composers, and instruments used in music composition
Note-taking is taught and practiced to equip students for the upper grades
6th Grade Music Supply List:
1/2” 3-ring binder, preferably white with a clear cover.
7th and 8th Grades
Curriculum Coordinator: Christie G.
Independent Studies
Lead Teacher: parent on site
Students choosing a study hall option for any class(es) will be under the direct supervision of their parent.
Parent-directed assignments or tasks should be given.
During study hall, students will sit in the hallway outside the classroom where their parent serves or in another pre-arranged, supervised area of the building.
Any student use of cell phones, computers, or other technology during this time must be approved and overseen by the parent.
Student Volunteer
Students are welcome and encouraged to sign up as a volunteer during any hour they are not registered for a CHEC class.
The director will communicate details with the parents and then place students on the schedule in a service role.
Junior High History
Lead Teacher: Cristen W.
Odd-numbered years cover the explorers up to the Civil War.
Even-numbered years begin with the Civil War and go as close to recent history as time allows. (*24-25 is an even-numbered year.)
Whether a student comes into junior high history the first or second half does not matter. They learn both halves eventually.
Texas history, being better understood in the context of the United States’ history, is studied as it naturally arises in the story. Texas geography and government are addressed in short units.
The 10-book series A History of US by Joy Hakim is the primary text for this class. Books 1-5 are used on odd years, and books 5-9 are used even years. (Please note that book 5 is used both years, and book 10 is not required for co-op.)
Co-op teachers are aware of the author’s occasional inconsistent Biblical worldview and challenge the students to think through what is true. It is a GREAT opportunity for parents and kids to read and discuss what others believe and then what the Bible speaks.
7th/8th History Supply List:
A History of US, books 5-9, by Joy Hakim
Composition Notebook
Colored pencils/crayons
Junior High Writing - General Information
The writing programs at CHEC focus on developing clear and effective communication of ideas and positions with proper structure and style, and, when necessary, correct documentation of sources.
For a student to be in a CHEC writing class, he must be following a grammar program at home. There are MANY grammar programs available for purchase.
*****Recommended Resource for 7th/8th grade*****
CHEC asks all families with junior high students in a writing class to consider purchasing Writers INC: A Student Handbook for WRITING and LEARNING.
Writers INC is NOT a grammar curriculum. It does not provide exercises or practice. It does, however, provide CHEC teachers with a standard place of explanation to direct students when they notice repetitive mechanical or grammatical errors.
To participate in a CHEC writing class, the students must complete the writing assignments when they are due and submit them in the form required by the teacher (or curriculum).
The teachers will let the parents know if the student is not handing in his or her work or not following instructions, but the parent really should know the status of the work as they oversee it at home.
WriteShop I
Lead Teacher: Nancy H.
This class is for all 7th graders and new-to-co-op 8th graders. Because WriteShop II builds on the foundation laid by WriteShop I, 8th graders are placed in WriteShop I for the first year to learn the program.
For a description of the curriculum, see Writeshop. Choose WriteShop I.
*NOTE* While many 4th edition copies of this book are available, CHEC uses the 5th edition.
This program emphasizes clarity, conciseness, word choice, and sentence variety. The focus is on learning to write strong paragraphs by practicing a wide range of writing activities and editing techniques.
Lessons are introduced at co-op each week.
Students complete the four days of assignments, usually producing a paper (short paragraph), which they bring back to co-op for feedback.
Parents oversee homework and check for required elements using check sheets from the manual.
Parents do not need to purchase teacher manuals; the answer key is kept in the Band files for parents to access.
Most families make copies of consumable pages so the manual can be re-used for future children/students.
WriteShop I Supply List:
WriteShop I Student Workbook, 5th Edition
Colored pencils
Pencil and loose-leaf paper
Thesaurus - not a junior thesaurus
Dictionary - not a junior dictionary
Optional, but recommended: Writer's INC (consider purchasing this used)
WriteShop II
Lead Teacher: K'Lee T.
This class is for 8th graders who have completed WriteShop I.
For a description of the curriculum, see Writeshop. Choose WriteShop II.
*NOTE* While many 4th edition copies of this book are available, CHEC uses the 5th edition.
Parents do not need to purchase teacher manuals; the answer key is kept in the Band files for parents to access.
Most families make copies of consumable pages, so the manual can be re-used for future children/students.
During the fall semester, WriteShop II reviews and expands on the techniques learned in WriteShop I.
In the spring, students begin writing basic five-paragraph essays.
Lessons are introduced at co-op each week.
Students complete the four days of assignments, usually producing a paper (a paragraph or essay), which they bring back to co-op for feedback.
Parents oversee homework and check for required elements using check sheets from the manual.
WriteShop II Supply List:
Pencil & paper
Colored Pencils
Optional, but recommended: Writer's INC (consider purchasing this used)
Junior High Science - General Information
The content is learned at home through Apologia texts.
Parents oversee the reading, the completion of the On Your Own questions, the completion of the Study Guide (Chapter Review), and the testing.
Parents ensure that their science students are working through the material at a pace to be ready for the lab classes at co-op (usually 5-7 pages per day).
The year-long science calendar for the students to follow is on the 2024-2025 Info tab of the CHEC website, and most teachers link to it on their Band.
ALL science classes must allow two full school weeks to complete the modules—usually ten school days—consisting of six reading days, two co-op lab days, one study day, and one test day.
If a different schedule is presented, it should give more time on a module, not less.
All testing is done at home, proctored by the parents.
Although parents have test keys, some teachers are available to help with grading tests.
The labs and experiments are done at co-op.
The teachers oversee the experiments and put them in the context of the chapter.
In some of the books there are a few chapters with no experiments. These modules and others are developed with appropriate videos, guest speakers, and/or teacher lectures.
*NOTE*: For 24-25, both the General Science and the Physical Science class will be using the third edition book. Because the content in different editions changes considerably, students must have the correct version.
The books for all the junior high science classes are available to rent from co-op.
General Science - 7th Graders
Lead Teacher: Ginger C.
Exploring Creation with General Science is the 7th-grade text. CHEC offers the 3rd edition for rent. *NOTE*: students must have the third edition for this class.
A $10 lab fee is charged for this class.
General Science (7th) Supply List:
Book and Solutions Manual (both available to rent)
Exploring Creation with General Science Student Notebook (recommended)
$10 lab fee
Physical Science - 8th Graders
Lead Teacher: Trisha R.
Exploring Creation with Physical Science is the 8th-grade text. CHEC offers the 3rd edition for rent. *NOTE*: students must have the third edition for this class.
A $10 lab fee is charged for this class.
Physical Science (8th) Supply List:
Book (please have the student bring their textbook to class each week) and Solutions Manual (not required to bring to class). Both are available for rent.
For class bring a binder (at least 1 inch) with loose-leaf paper for taking notes and drawing diagrams of the lab experiments.
$10 lab fee
Junior High Math - General Information
The Junior High math program aims to lay a solid foundation for students so they are well prepared for higher math classes.
Co-op's program includes review of material and skills previously learned, but it also incorporates an introduction to more abstract concepts.
One goal of junior high math is to give students time to develop abstract thinking that comes with maturity (literally allowing time for the brain to get older!).
Several classes are offered, all with different pacing according to the needs and readiness of the students.
A traditional high school algebra course is also offered to 8th graders. It is taken with the high school students.
Given excellent textbooks, students can capitalize on one of the advantages of homeschooling by becoming their own best teacher.
CHEC’s perspective is that it is important for the students to have answers to the homework as they work. The students are encouraged to only work several problems before stopping to check their work for accuracy, eliminating bad habits before they’re formed. Only perfect practice makes perfect!
The answers are given to the students to check their work as they do the homework, not after they complete it. This approach assumes the parent is confident that the student is doing all the work without succumbing to the temptation of short cuts or copying answers.
Important: There is only so much that can be done in one hour per week; therefore, the student must be industrious at home during the week. During class the teachers answer questions about the previous week's work, but most of the time is spent getting the students ready to do the next week's work through overviews of the upcoming concepts and by working examples.
The assignments are given by the teachers and duplicated on Band.
Tests are provided by the curriculum and/or the teachers, and are given and graded at home.
All math texts are available for rent at a very reasonable cost.
Junior High Math - 7th or 8th Graders
Lead Teacher: Sarah Y.
Junior High Math reviews elementary computation (including multiplication and division), works with integers, and develops speed and accuracy.
The review (not introduction) and repetitive practice of computation give students a proper foundation for higher math classes like algebra.
A traditional junior high math book (Mathematics Today - Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich) has been purchased by co-op.
Parents of participating students receive the book and pay a reasonable rental fee at orientation.
Algebra or Pre-Algebra can follow this course.
Junior High Math Supply List:
Book (available to rent)
Simple calculator for occasional use (If a purchase is required, please consider high school needs before purchasing.)
Pre-Algebra - 7th and 8th Graders
Lead Teacher: Daniel S.
The co-op pre-algebra course is available for 8th graders who choose not to take algebra their 8th grade year.
It may also be an excellent fit for 7th graders who are ready for the challenge of a more rigorous course before taking algebra in 8th grade.
CHEC’s pre-algebra course has been designed to enhance students’ critical thinking skills and to begin introducing students to more abstract mathematical concepts.
While students learn algebraic concepts, they have many opportunities to practice and solidify arithmetic.
Students work with decimals, fractions, positive and negative numbers, and percentages, but all in an algebraic context.
The textbook is full of challenging word problems with the aim of enhancing the mathematical reasoning skills of the students.
A traditional pre-algebra text (McDougal Littell Math, Course 3) has been purchased by co-op.
Parents of participating students receive the book and pay a reasonable rental fee at orientation.
Algebra can follow this course.
Pre-Algebra Supply List:
Book and test solutions manual (available to rent)
Notebook or binder with paper
Simple calculator for occasional use (If a purchase is required, please consider high school needs before purchasing.)
Algebra I
Lead Teacher: Trisha R.
This traditional algebra I course uses Paul Foerster’s Algebra I, which has been purchased by co-op.
Parents of participating students receive the book and pay a reasonable rental fee at orientation.
Students enrolled in this class should have a strong foundation in pre-algebra.
Algebra I Supply List:
Book (available to rent)
Notebook or binder with paper
Scientific or Graphing Calculator (see recommendations under High School Math)
Graph Paper
Graphing calculators are an essential part of every American high school math class, and they should be part of co-op math classes as well.
The math education that students receive at co-op is excellent, but students are truly hindered in their mathematical development when they do not have a graphing calculator that they are using throughout high school.
Co-op will allow any scientific or graphing calculator for Algebra I and Algebra II, but we will only support (give instructions for and know how to operate) TI calculators.
The calculators listed below are recommended.
TI-84 Plus—This expensive (approximately $100) graphing calculator is recommended for college-bound students. However, some smartphone apps (ex: Graphing Calculator X84) emulate the TI-84 graphing calculator, are much less expensive and are worth looking into. This calculator will be a boon to students on college entrance exams, but only if they have used it consistently for years. Any student from grade 7 or 8 with plans for college will greatly benefit from the TI-84 Plus, especially if college entrance exams will be taken. Because of its price, co-op will not require it, but it is very highly recommended. *** Please note that every traditional high-school student in America is using a graphing calculator, not a scientific calculator. Note: any of the calculators in the TI-80 family of calculators will work, but once a student has chosen her calculator, she should stick with it. Any calculator borrowing solution should be a long-term solution.
TI-30 XIIS—This very affordable ($10) scientific calculator will provide the basic functionality that students need for high school. It is only recommended for students who do not plan to attend any college after high school. Students who plan for dual enrollment at NTCC should not use this calculator. Also, smartphone calculators can be used as a scientific calculator, so only purchase the TI-30 if it is a priority for the phone to be put away during math lessons.
The Desmos Graphing Calculator can be used on computers or smartphones, and it matches the built-in calculator on the digital SAT and PSAT. It is free or inexpensive, but students will need to be prepared to navigate it on their own, as the newer technology may be unfamiliar to some teachers.
Keep in mind that a calculator solution that involves a smartphone will not work for standardized testing or college testing environments.
All the math teachers will be happy to discuss and provide counsel about which calculator would be best for each individual student.
9th - 12th Grades
Curriculum Coordinator - Christie G.
Independent Studies
Lead Teacher: parent on site
Students choosing a study hall option for any class(es) will be under the direct supervision of their parent.
Parent-directed assignments or tasks should be given.
During study hall, Students will sit in the hallway outside the classroom where their parent serves or another pre-arranged, supervised area of the building.
Any student use of cell phones, computers, or other technology during this time must be approved and overseen by the parent.
Student Volunteer
Students are welcome and encouraged to volunteer during any hour they don't have a CHEC class.
The director will communicate details with the parents and then place students on the schedule in a service role.
High School Writing - General Information
The writing programs at CHEC, both High School Writing Parts I and II and Creative and Technical Writing, are guided by co-op instruction. Still, the parent is the primary teacher and is responsible for overseeing the completion of assignments and providing initial editing and feedback on all drafts.
Students in CHEC writing classes must follow a grammar program at home There are MANY grammar programs available for purchase.
High School Writing Parts I and II
High School Writing Parts I and II focus on developing clear and effective communication of ideas and positions in various types of essays, using proper structure and style, while correctly documenting sources.
The material in the required text, Put That in Writing 2, is divided between two classes, High School Writing Part I and High School Writing Part II. Students may repeat either of these courses for a potential of 2-4 years of CHEC writing instruction.
*A prerequisite of High School Writing Part I along with a teacher/coach recommendation is required to be invited to and register for High School Writing Part II.
***** Resources *****
Put That In Writing, Level 2 - Utilized for Part I & II of High School Writing, this manual serves as the basis for all in-class instruction and also provides sample essays, writing exercises, and APA formatting information.
Writers INC: A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning. All students in High School Writing Part I are encouraged to purchase this text, and it is required for all students in the 2nd course. It is NOT a grammar curriculum. The writing coaches utilize this resource for explanation of mechanical or grammatical errors.
To participate in High School Writing Part I or II, the students must complete the writing assignments when they are due and submit them in the form required by the writing coaches.
On Tuesdays, the writing coaches will provide feedback on assignments that are on time and meet formatting requirements.
The parent oversees daily work and progress at home.
High School Writing Part I
Lead Teacher: Aliza K.
The required text, Put That In Writing Level 2, provides an introduction to academic writing, research, and argumentation skills.
Beginning with simple essays, the students will produce original compositions under the guidance of the writing coaches.
Instruction and opportunity will be given to compose Narrative Essays, Comparison Essays, and Cause & Effect Essays.
The art of persuasion and argumentation will be a distinctive mark in each essay, and the student will learn to engage credible resources.
After class instruction, the student will carry out given assignments at home.
Though the writing coaches will provide feedback on submissions, parents oversee weekly coursework.
Before submitting each assignment, the student and parent should address grammatical issues, verify the paper is in the proper format (APA/MLA per assignment instructions), and complete any required checklist.
Students will pay a $3 fee for the rental of resource material packets.
High School Writing Part I Supply List:
Put That in Writing, Level 2 manual (Put That in Writing, Level 2 Answer packet if parent desires)
Writers INC (recommended - consider purchasing this used)
Spiral Notebook for class lectures
$3 fee
High School Writing Part II
Lead Teacher: Chas C.
This class is designed to be taken by second or third year CHEC high school writing students. A prerequisite of High School Writing Part I along with a teacher/coach recommendation is required to register for this class.
Building upon the types of essays presented in High School Writing Part I, the student will learn to utilize the concepts of the Part I essays in longer compositions: Judicial Discourse and Deliberative Discourse.
The art of persuasion and argumentation is a distinctive mark in each essay. The student will do more than convey information; the essay must present a position and provide credible research to support the thesis.
After class instruction, the student will carry out given assignments at home.
Though the writing coaches will provide feedback on the submissions, the parents oversee the weekly coursework.
Before submitting each assignment, the student and parent should address grammatical issues, verify the paper is in the proper format (APA/MLA per assignment instructions), and complete any required checklist.
High School Writing Part II Supply List:
Put That in Writing, Level 2 manual (Put That in Writing, Level 2 Answer packet if parent desires)
Writers INC (required - consider purchasing this used)
Spiral Notebook for class lectures
Internet access for gaining reference material
Creative and Technical Writing
Lead Teacher: Heather V.
This class is designed for students who have already completed one to two years of High School Writing I.
A variety of literature, vocabulary, and composition opportunities will be introduced and/or reviewed.
Required reading will be utilized to identify literary devices.
The second portion of the class will focus on business writing and will include practice in the real-world use of letters, resumes, emails, and reports.
Writing deadlines will be required, and occasional peer review will be offered, but no other formal CHEC feedback will be provided. Home assessment tools are included in the required curriculum.
**Note this is a stand-alone class and is not considered a bridge between High School Writing Parts I & II.
Creative and Technical Writing Supply List:
Notebook paper for class lectures
Windows to the World: An Introduction to Literary Analysis Student Book
Access to a laptop for in-class writing workshops in the spring
High School Science - General Information
The content of the science courses is learned at home through the Apologia or Berean Builders texts under the supervision of the parents.
Parents need to make sure that their science student is working through the material, about 5–7 pages per day, at a pace to be ready for the lab classes (Tuesdays and perhaps some Fridays).
The parent oversees the student’s reading of the text, answering the On Your Own questions, completing the Study Guide, working any Practice Problems, and taking the tests.
Parents grade tests with the answer book provided. If parents need help evaluating answers and giving a grade, teachers and other parents are available to give input.
The first module (chapter) is read before the first lab. The year-long science calendar for the students to follow is on the 2024-2025 Info tab of the CHEC website.
Students follow the lab teacher’s calendar if a different one is provided.
ALL science classes allow at least two full school weeks per module for reading, work, study, lab work, and testing. If a different schedule is presented, it should allow more time for a module, not less.
All testing is done at home and proctored by the parents. This frees co-op days for group activities and instruction.
The labs and experiments are done on Tuesdays or Friday lab days. This means that the mess is made and cleaned up at co-op.
The teachers oversee the experiments and put them in the context of the chapter. Some of the books contain a few modules that do not have experiments. Those chapters and others are supplemented with appropriate videos, guest speakers, and/or teacher lectures.
The books for all the junior high and senior high science classes are available to rent from co-op for a nominal fee.
Lead Teachers: Eric R. and Jessica S.
See the Apologia website for a description of the course.
At co-op, students do only the lab work and participate in additional lectures and discussion. The students are responsible for completing all readings, questions, reviews, and testing at home.
Biology is blessed to have quality microscopes, slide kits, dissection kits, and more.
**No Biology labs are planned for Fridays. However, they may be added if necessary lab work is not accomplished on Tuesdays.
The biology students pay $65 for their dissection specimens.
CHEC currently uses the second edition for the Biology class. The links for the class description, above, are for a newer edition. The co-op science teachers have carefully evaluated the newer edition and made purposeful decisions about which edition to use. Great care is taken to ensure that the science is up to date, the book is readable, and the information is accurate.
The text, Exploring Creation through Biology, 2nd Edition, can be rented from co-op.
High School Biology Supply List:
Text: Exploring Creation through Biology, 2nd Edition (available to rent from co-op)
Notebook (for lab)
Optional: folder for hand-outs
A dissection specimen fee of $65
Lead Teacher: Karen R.
(Prerequisite: Algebra I)
See the Berean Builders website for a description of the course.
At co-op, students do only the lab work and participate in additional lectures and discussion. The students are responsible for completing all readings, questions, reviews, and testing at home.
Chemistry students must have completed Algebra I.
**No Chemistry labs are planned for Fridays. However, they may be added if necessary lab work is not accomplished on Tuesdays.
CHEC owns all the lab equipment needed to perform the experiments.
The text, Discovering Design with Chemistry, can be rented from co-op.
High School Chemistry Supply List:
Text: Berean Builders’ Discovering Design with Chemistry (available to rent from co-op).
Composition Notebook (for lab)
$25 lab fee
Anatomy and Physiology
Lead Teacher: Craig D.
(Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry)
See the Apologia website for a description of the course.
The students do only the lab work at co-op. The students are responsible for completing all readings, questions, reviews, and testing at home.
CHEC owns all the lab equipment needed to perform the experiments.
The students pay $80 for dissection specimens.
Students in Anatomy and Physiology must have completed Biology and Chemistry.
The text, The Human Body: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, 2nd Edition can be rented from co-op. *Note: those who provide their own text must use the 2nd edition.
High School Anatomy & Physiology Supply List:
Text: The Human Body: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, 2nd Edition (available to rent)
A dissection specimen fee of $80
Lead Teacher: Shana A.
(Prerequisite: Algebra II)
See the Berean Builders website for a description of the course.
The students do only the lab work at co-op. The students are responsible for completing all readings, questions, reviews, and testing at home.
CHEC owns all the lab equipment needed to perform the experiments.
The text, Discovering Design with Physics, can be rented from co-op.
A lab fee of $10 will be charged for this class.
High School Physics Supply List:
Text: Berean Builders’ Discovering Design with Physics (available to rent)
A good scientific calculator (a smartphone calculator is sufficient)
Recommended: 3-ring binder for lab notes and activities
$10 lab fee to be paid at registration
High School Math - General Information
Given excellent textbooks, students can capitalize on one of the advantages of homeschooling by becoming their own best teacher.
CHEC's perspective is that it is important for the students to have answers to the homework as they work. The students are encouraged to do several problems (3–5 problems) and then stop to check their work for accuracy, eliminating bad habits before they’re formed. Only perfect practice makes perfect!
The answers are given to the students to check their work AS they do the homework, not after they complete it. This approach assumes the parent is confident that the student is doing all the work without succumbing to the temptation of short cuts or copying answers.
Important: There is only so much that can be done in one hour per week; therefore, the student must be industrious at home during the week. During class, the teachers answer questions about the previous week's work, but most of the time is spent getting them ready to do the next week's work through overviews of the upcoming concepts and by working examples.
The assignments are given by the teachers and duplicated on Band.
Tests are provided by the curriculum and/or the teachers, and are given, and then graded at home. Some teachers are available to help with grading tests.
All math texts are available for rent at a very reasonable cost.
Graphing calculators are an essential part of every American high school math class, and they should be part of co-op math classes as well.
The math education that students receive at co-op is excellent, but students are truly hindered in their mathematical development when they do not have a graphing calculator that they are using throughout high school.
Co-op will allow any scientific or graphing calculator for Algebra I and Algebra II, but we will only support (give instructions for and know how to operate) TI calculators.
The calculators listed below are recommended.
TI-84 Plus—This expensive (approximately $100) graphing calculator is recommended for college-bound students. However, some smartphone apps (ex: Graphing Calculator X84) emulate the TI-84 graphing calculator, are much less expensive, and are worth looking into. This calculator will be a boon to students on college entrance exams, but only if they have used it consistently for years. Any student from grade 7 or 8 with plans for college will greatly benefit from the TI-84 Plus, especially if college entrance exams will be taken. Because of its price, co-op will not require it, but it is very highly recommended. *** Please note that every traditional high-school student in America is using a graphing calculator, not a scientific calculator. Note: any of the calculators in the TI-80 family of calculators will work, but once a student has chosen her calculator, she should stick with it. Any calculator borrowing solution should be a long-term solution.
TI-30 XIIS—This very affordable ($10) scientific calculator will provide the basic functionality that students need for high school. It is only recommended for students who do not plan to attend any college after high school. Students who plan for dual enrollment at NTCC should not use this calculator. Also, a smartphone calculator can be used as a scientific calculator, so only purchase the TI-30 if it is a priority for the phone to be put away during math lessons.
The Desmos Graphing Calculator can be used on computers or smartphones, and it matches the built-in calculator on the digital SAT and PSAT. It is free or inexpensive, but students will need to be prepared to navigate it on their own, as the newer technology may be unfamiliar to some teachers.
Keep in mind that a calculator solution that involves a smartphone will not work for standardized testing or college testing environments.
All the math teachers will be happy to discuss and provide counsel about which calculator would be best for each student.
Algebra I
Lead Teacher: Trisha R.
This traditional algebra course uses Paul Foerster’s Algebra I, which has been purchased by co-op.
Parents of participating students receive the book and pay a reasonable rental fee at orientation.
Students enrolled in this class should have a strong foundation in pre-algebra.
Algebra I Supply List:
Book (available to rent)
Notebook or binder with paper
Scientific or Graphing Calculator (see recommendations)
Graph Paper
Lead Teacher: Loretta O.
This traditional geometry course uses Harold Jacob’s Geometry, which has been purchased by CHEC.
Parents of participating students receive the book and pay a reasonable rental fee at orientation.
*Note: Please do not purchase an expensive calculator for geometry. Most smartphones or simple calculators (with trig functions) work just fine.
If a calculator purchase is necessary, please consider asking for guidance from the CHEC math teachers. Not all calculators are created equal.
Geometry Supply List:
Textbook (available to rent)
Graph paper
Calculator (see note above)
Algebra II
Lead Teacher: Katherine W.
(Prerequisite: Algebra I)
This traditional algebra II course uses Paul Foerster’s Algebra II and Trigonometry.
Although this book includes trigonometry, the class covers only the algebra II portion of the text.
Parents of participating students receive the book and pay a reasonable rental fee at orientation.
Students need a graphing or scientific calculator for this class. (Students with any plans for college, including dual enrollment at NTCC, should have a graphing calculator. Those with no plans for college may use a scientific calculator.) *See the section on Calculators above for recommendations.
Algebra II Supply List:
Book (available to rent)
Scientific or Graphing Calculator (see note above)
Graph paper
Optional and very expensive ($129): Math Without Borders video curriculum (if you would like to purchase this, let the teacher know so we can try to secure a 10% discount). Parents utilizing this resource may find the course easier for their students. CHEC views homeschooling difficult subjects with a once-weekly tutor (i.e. co-op) provides a unique opportunity for students to practice self-teaching and build perseverance. Parents are encouraged to evaluate their homeschool's goals as they consider this optional supplement.
Trigonometry and Introductory Precalculus
Lead Teacher: Elibeth C.
The trigonometry portion of the course uses the last bit of Paul Foerster’s Algebra II and Trigonometry. Then when students are ready for the introduction to precalculus, they will segue into Paul Foerster’s Precalculus with Trigonometry.
Parents of participating students receive the books and pay a reasonable rental fee at orientation.
Students need a graphing or scientific calculator for this class. (Students with any plans for college, including dual enrollment at NTCC, should have a graphing calculator. Those with no plans for college may use a scientific calculator.) *See the section on Calculators above for recommendations.
Trigonometry and Introductory Precalculus Supply List:
Books (available to rent)
Scientific or Graphing Calculator (see note above)
Optional and very expensive ($129 times two): Math Without Borders video curriculum for Trigonometry and Precalculus (if you would like to purchase these, let the teacher know so we can try to secure a 10% discount). Parents utilizing this resource may find the course easier for their students. CHEC views homeschooling difficult subjects with a once-weekly tutor (i.e. co-op) provides a unique opportunity for students to practice self-teaching and build perseverance. Parents are encouraged to evaluate their homeschool's goals as they consider this optional supplement.
Math-Hour Electives
Personal Finance
Lead Teacher: Jeff W.
This course is designed to help students navigate adulthood by teaching them concrete money management skills.
Homework will require about an hour per week and use the Financial Literacy course available for free from Khan Academy.
Much of the class time will be spent doing hands-on exercises on students' laptops using Google Sheets. At the end of the course, students will have created their own personal finance spreadsheets in their Google accounts which they can use for purposes such as budgeting and financial planning for the rest of their lives.
Class topics include:
Making a budget
Online banking
Money management apps
Buying and owning a home
Understanding loans and interest
Buying and using home and auto insurance
Maintaining good credit
Filing income tax returns
Saving for retirement
Investing wisely (rather than gambling in the stock market)
Managing money with a spouse
Some basic economics knowledge is also helpful for personal financial planning, so a few basic economics topics will include:
How supply and demand determine prices
Money supply, inflation, and unemployment
Supply chains, production, and scarcity
Personal Finance Supply List:
Access to a laptop or Chromebook during class. (If this presents an obstacle for your student, please notify the teacher who will have a few to loan for in-class use.)
A Google account that the student can access (for Google Sheets)
High School Social Studies
CHEC's Social Studies program rotates through the traditional high school courses.
Freshmen and sophomores typically rotate through World Geography and World History. During odd-numbered years, they study World Geography. During even-numbered years, they study World History.
Juniors and seniors typically rotate through United States History and U.S. Government. During odd-numbered years, they study U.S. Government. During even-numbered years, they study United States History.
For the 24-25 school year, History of Modern Europe will be offered as a social studies hour elective.
World History
Lead Teacher: Chas C.
Mystery of History, Volume IV is the text for this class and was chosen for its unique approach to world history from 1708 to the 21st Century.
The class will delve into the complicated world relationships that have developed recently, thereby equipping students to be more informed citizens and wiser in their worldview.
Class lectures will cover topics and worldviews surrounding the assigned reading from the text. A CD comes in the front cover of the textbook and includes activities, quizzes, and tests. Parents are responsible for utilizing these resources to ensure academic integrity in assigning credit for the class.
World History Supply List:
Mystery of History, Volume IV by Linda Lacour Hobar
United States History
Lead Teacher: Allison A.
This course is a general survey of the history of the United States of America.
While we will be using the text America, Pathways To The Present as a backbone text for the class, the goal is to assign primary resource material as much as possible and use the textbook to fill in the gaps when needed.
This primary resource material will likely be available for free online.
The goal for this class is to take a journey through time and walk, as much as possible, in the shoes of the people who helped form and build the country that we call home.
With the current challenges facing our nation, the class will spend a great deal of time digging for the truth of our past so it can correctly inform our present.
Prentice Hall's America - Pathways to the Present (5E Survey Student Edition 2003C) is a good read for the students and was selected for its fair treatment of history.
The ISBN is 0-13-052849-8, and it has a photo of the Lincoln Memorial on the cover. CHEC has these textbooks available to rent for a nominal fee. Used copies are also available on many sites.
American History Supply List:
America - Pathways to the Present (available to rent from CHEC)
spiral notebook for note-taking
Social Studies-Hour Electives
History of Modern Europe
Lead Teacher: Cammy B.
Class time will follow a Socratic discussion of concepts covered during the weekly reading.
Concepts from the required text, A History of Europe in the Modern World, 11th Edition, include (from publisher’s synopsis): “Europe’s prominent role in modern global exchanges, nation building, transnational commercial systems, colonial empires, and cultural transitions.”
In addition to weekly reading assignments, students will keep a notebook for questions and annotations.
Students need the text before reading assignments begin on 8/26.
Parents desiring to give a full History credit for this class may consider purchasing this Memoria Press student guide.
History of Modern Europe Supply List:
Required textbook: A History of Europe in the Modern World, 11th Edition
(optional) Memoria Press student guide
Electives - General Information
CHEC makes every attempt to offer electives in predictable patterns for the ease of high school planning. However, our rotations have been under construction. Please note this new plan, like others, may be subject to change based on enrollment and teacher availability. This year some classes will be offered during both elective hours to provide students with more options.
Even years: (24-25)
Speech/Mock Trial (7th/8th), Home Improvement, Art, Drama, Speech, Spanish 2, ASL
Odd years: (23-24)
Health & Nutrition, Speech/Career (7th-9th), Drama, Spanish 1, Automotive, Choir, ASL, Ensemble, Computer Applications
*Parents should carefully consider the pros and cons of having their particular 7th or 8th grader participate in a high school class.
**Some of these courses will be made available twice on the schedule during class registrations. A minimum enrollment of 4-6 students is required for a particular section to “make”.
Intro to Drama (7th-8th) - 3rd Hour
Offered 3rd Hour
Lead Teacher: Marissa M.
An intro to theatre for students to gain confidence acting on stage, learn the technical aspects of theatre, write and perform short scenes, and build a foundational knowledge of the art.
Preps students for the HS drama course (though it is not a prerequisite).
Opportunities to develop skills in: public speaking, designing sets, costumes, lights and sound, group work, memorizing, empathy, and following directions
In class: Students practice improv, perform scenes, and create costumes and sets.
At home: Expect an hour each week of memorizing lines, studying handouts, and creating simple costumes or props.
Plan to spend $20-30* out of pocket for props and costumes. *This is only an estimate. Families will do their own creative shopping and planning for these items.
Intro to Drama Supply List:
Half-inch 3-ring binder with notebook paper
Sharpened pencils with erasers
Two highlighters of different colors
Spanish I (7th-12th)
Offered 3rd Hour
Lead Teacher: Becky B.
CHEC views foreign languages to be best mastered through daily immersion. Short of those opportunities, students are welcome to join this class as a welcoming approach through basic vocabulary introduction, cultural lessons, and some grammar and pronunciation basics.
CHEC will use the first portion of Complete Spanish Step-by-Step, Premium Second Edition
Students will have assigned daily work that will likely take two hours per week.
Electronic flashcards on Language Lab App will be available to assist students with their daily work.
Teachers will review material in class on Tuesday and provide activities to reinforce what was learned throughout the week.
Spanish I Supply List:
Access to Language Lab App, Quizlet (possibly), and Band
Notebook/composition book for taking notes
Art (7th-12th)
Offered 3rd and 5th Hours
Lead Teacher: Maggie B.
This class will focus on fine art instruction, theory, and practice, including drawing with pencil and charcoal, as well as painting with watercolor and acrylic.
Elements of Art History and Art Appreciation will be incorporated.
Two major projects will be assigned for the year – a fall drawing final project, and a spring canvas painting final project.
Students will be assigned sketch homework each week.
To keep the cost of supplies at a minimum, students will utilize designated co-op art supplies in class. Students will be assigned their own art supply set at the beginning of the school year and will be responsible for the care of their supplies. Parents will be responsible for replacing damaged or lost tools.
This is a quality art class, but every effort will be made to keep it affordable. There will be a $10 DVD rental fee and a $20 supply fee.
Art Supply List:
Set of drawing pencils (will specify on Band, but a set can be purchased for as little as $5)
Sketchbook, 8.5x11" or 8x10", acid free
Spiral notebook, 100 sheets
$30 per student ($10 for DVD rental, $20 for supplies)
Access to a DVD player (if this is a problem for your family, please reach out)
American Sign Language I (7th -12th)
Offered 3rd and 5th Hours
Lead Teacher: RaeLynn H.
This class will present an introduction to American Sign Language and deaf culture.
ASL is recognized as the 3rd most-used language in the world with its own grammar and syntax.
Students will learn new signs weekly.
In-class activities and conversations will help bridge the gap between learning the sign and reading the sign.
Daily work at home will consist of learning and practicing signs, watching videos, and any additional reading.
ASL I Supply List:
(optional) ASL dictionary app - look for more information on Band in late August
Computer Applications (7th -12th)
Offered 3rd and 5th Hours
Lead Teacher: Toni C.
This class introduces students to various fundamental computer options using Microsoft Office.
In-class and at-home assignments include the basics of writing resumes, formatting documents, making PowerPoint presentations, and more.
Computer Applications Supply List:
Students need access to Microsoft Office and a laptop or Chromebook.
Home Improvement (7th-12th)
Offered 3rd and 5th Hours
Lead Teacher: Chad N. and Tony D.
(Class size will be capped at 12)
Following Shop Class for Everyone, students are guided through basic projects at co-op.
Topics covered include basic home maintenance and repair skills such as:
Introductions to common tools and their purposes
Drywall repair
Simple home plumbing
Introduction to circuits
Basic electrical repairs
Adult life skills, such as budgeting
and more
Class size is limited to 12 students per section with high school students given first preference.
Home Improvement Supply List:
No textbook is necessary for this class.
There is one small, individual building project for students to complete at home. Families can expect to purchase some wood, paints, etc. for that.
Math Tutoring (7th-12th)
Offered 3rd and 5th Hours
Lead Tutor: Shana A.
Available for students currently taking a co-op math or physics course and also for students working on their own math course at home, including dual-credit college algebra and pre-calculus courses
Students bring math assignments or questions from home.
Students may also bring their TI-84 graphing calculators to ask about calculator use.
Students stay in the Math Tutoring classroom the entire period, working independently on what was brought from home.
Students have access to a math tutor for questions as needed.
There is NO in-class teaching or homework.
Math Tutoring Supply List:
Independent math assignments should be brought to class weekly, including the textbook
American Sign Language II (8th -12th)
Offered 5th Hour
Lead Teacher: Amy C.
This class will build upon an already-laid foundation for American Sign Language and deaf culture.
ASL is recognized as the 3rd most-used language in the world with its own grammar and syntax.
Students will learn new signs weekly.
In-class activities and conversations will help bridge the gap between learning the sign and reading the sign.
Daily work at home will consist of learning and practicing signs, watching videos, and any additional reading.
ASL II Supply List:
Online access to the free ASL University Curriculum
Spiral notebook
Folder for handouts
Drama (9th-12th)
Offered 5th Hour
Lead Teacher: Marissa M.
An intro to theatre for students interested in acting, stage management, technical theatre, and design.
Instruction will build upon the previous year for students who take multiple years of Drama.
Opportunities to develop skills in public speaking, group work, memorization, problem-solving, empathy, and following directions.
Students learn about and design sets, lights, sound, costumes, and props.
In class: Students perform improv, monologues, and scenes. They also share summaries of their textbook reading on a rotating schedule.
At home: Expect about one hour of work each week reading the textbook, memorizing lines, or creating costumes/props.
The Drama class will likely participate in a One Act Play contest November 7, 2024, in Sulphur Springs.
Co-op's drama textbooks are checked out to students at orientation. There is no rental fee, but a replacement fee will be charged if the book is lost or abused.
A $75 fee is assessed to cover fall production, script, and competition fees for the One Act Play contest and script, licensing, theatre rental, and set costs for the spring production.**Note: Depending on the size of the class and the plays selected, additional expenses may be incurred, to be shared by the class. ***There may also be additional personal costs as each student selects or makes costumes, props, etc.
Plan for out-of-class rehearsals. Typically, for the spring production, expect a two-hour rehearsal once a week in January and February, two three-hour rehearsals per week in March and April, and about four rehearsals the week of the play. This is subject to change. Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Parents of Drama students rotate as volunteers in outside rehearsals to ensure more than one adult is always present.
Drama Supply List:
A 1" 3-ring binder with notebook paper
A sharpened pencil with an eraser
Two highlighters of different colors
$75 student fee
Intro to Speech & Mock Trial (7th-9th)
Offered 5th Hour
Lead Teacher: Cathy W.
(Class size will be capped at 13, and 9th graders may not repeat this course)
Speech - Fall semester
Fall semester goals include:
Basic public speaking skills (eye contact, pace, volume, use of gestures)
Engaging audience through expression, developing “hooks,” and “knowing” a speech rather than reading it.
Confidence in speaking in front of others as part of sharing the goodness and glory of God.
Weekly homework and practice should be expected.
Mock Trial - Spring semester
Spring semester goals:
Students will prepare a case to be heard in a local courthouse with the students playing the roles of the attorneys and witnesses. This provides opportunities to understand the legal system more fully, from rules of evidence to proper courtroom etiquette.
Students will learn how to navigate the intricacies of the justice system as they decide on the most effective way to present their case and perform it for their parents, jury, and judge.
Opportunities include growth in critical thinking, public speaking, persuasive presentation, teamwork, and confidence.
Work outside of co-op, practice, and presentation are required.
There will be a $18 materials fee for each student.
Speech/Mock Trial Supply List:
Students will need access to business dress clothes for the mock trial portion.
Fee: $18
SAT Prep – Verbal in Fall, Math in Spring
Offered 5th Hour
Lead Teacher - Verbal: Chauna G.
Lead Teacher - Math: Elibeth C.
The SAT not only requires English and Math skills, but it also tests a person's ability to tackle questions efficiently. A tutoring approach is taken by the teachers who walk alongside the students as they use the required books to prepare for the test.
Before each co-op meeting, students read the lesson(s) and attempt the exercises assigned for that week.
The day before class, students send the teacher a list of problems or concepts that were difficult to grasp.
During class time, teachers address these questions and demonstrate the solutions/strategies on the whiteboard. The time is also used to deepen the students’ understanding of the concepts learned throughout the week.
SAT Prep is best suited for students who have completed Algebra II or are strong math students currently enrolled in Algebra II.
The SAT Prep class requires outside work of around 1-2 hours per week.
SAT Prep Supply List:
Spanish II (8th-12th)
Offered 5th Hour
Lead Teacher: Becky B.
CHEC views foreign languages to be best mastered through daily immersion. Short of those opportunities, students are welcome to join this class as a welcoming approach through basic vocabulary introduction, cultural lessons, and some grammar and pronunciation basics.
CHEC will use the latter portion of Complete Spanish Step-by-Step, Premium Second Edition
Students will have assigned daily work that will likely take two hours per week.
Electronic flashcards on Language Lab App will be available to assist students with their daily work.
Teachers will review material in class on Tuesday and provide activities to reinforce what was learned throughout the week.
Spanish II Supply List:
Access to Language Lab App, Quizlet (possibly), and Band
Notebook/composition book for taking notes
Speech (9th-12th)
Offered 5th Hour
*High School Writing I is not a prerequisite, but will be helpful in engaging course material
Lead Teacher: Katherine W.
Students will examine well-written speeches from history as they learn components of persuasion through the required text, Rhetoric Alive! Book 1: Principles of Persuasion student edition.
Students will be introduced to deliberative, ceremonial, and judicial types of speech.
Students will develop their speaking and persuasive skills in class through assignments and presentations.
Students should plan for work at home of 2 hours per week.
Speech Supply List:
Rhetoric Alive! Book 1: Principles of Persuasion student edition