Food Allergy Statement

Food Allergy Statement

Classroom Food Guidelines (preschool - 6th grade)

In order to provide a safer environment for children with serious food allergies, CHEC will follow these guidelines.

Because of the nature of our shared building facility, we can never assure the total absence of a particular food item from specific classrooms or surfaces. Parents of children with anaphylactic allergies should continue to train their children in the caution and care that their particular condition necessitates.

Very young children with anaphylactic food allergies will be best served at home.

It is understood that parents of children with anaphylactic allergies will do the following:

Regarding Food in Classrooms:

CHEC teachers of 6th grade and under may bring food items to share in class only if they have sent ingredient lists to all parents earlier in the week and received approval from allergy parents. 

Students in 7th-12th grade are assumed to be capable of navigating and discerning risk with regard to shared food items. No allergy or ingredient restrictions are placed on food in those classes. However, due to time constraints in each class, lead teachers will determine when and if food is served in the classroom. No student or parent may bring food to class without the lead teacher’s prior approval.


Our shared lunch time is unregulated by any food constraints. Students with anaphylactic allergies should consider no food but their own to be allergen free. Students or parents desiring to share treats with others should place those items on the island in the kitchen. An ingredient list would extend kindness!

Teachers of 6th Grade & Younger

May bring food items to share in class only if they have sent ingredient lists to parents earlier in the week and received approval from allergy parents.

Parents of 6th Grade & Younger

Sharing food must be done at lunch in the lunch area - no approval needed.  

Parents of allergic kids be aware this food could contain allergens.

7th Grade and Older

No restrictions.

Each lead teacher will determine when and if food is served in their classroom.

Parents and students who are allergic be aware this food could contain allergens.

To indicate you have read this document, please follow the instructions here.