Cleaning Jobs' Descriptions
General Instructions for Tuesday Cleaning
A reminder email will be sent out prior to your assigned week.
Read your job description carefully.
Please let Nancy H. know if you are unable to clean the week you are scheduled, if you have been assigned a job you cannot do, or if you routinely find your designated area to be consistently messy.
Specific Instructions for Each Job
Preschool Zone
(A124, A125, A127, A133 and all Bathrooms)
Cleaning materials will be in the preschool kitchen
Floors: Sweep and vacuum where needed in all used classrooms, hallways, and bathrooms.
Clean all countertops and tabletops in each used classroom, as well as the preschool entry area.
Neatly push all chairs back under tables.
Glass: Clean all the preschool entryway and classroom doors and windows.
Bathrooms: Flush all toilets, clean floors, empty all trash, clean fingerprints off mirrors, wipe down all wet or dirty surfaces.
Remove all trash bags and place tied bags in the hallway outside of each room. Replace with new trash bags.
Verify all thermostats in your area are set to 75 degrees.
Return all floor cleaning supplies to the preschool kitchen and return the cleaning box to the supply room.
Elementary Zone
(A114, A115, A116, A119, A120, and the Quad)
Cleaning materials will be just inside the Elementary Wing doors, in the right corner.
Floors: Sweep and vacuum where needed in all used classrooms and hallways and Quad.
Clean all countertops and tabletops in each used classroom.
Neatly push all chairs back under tables.
Glass: Clean all the elementary entryway and classroom doors and windows.
Remove all trash bags and place tied bags in the hallway outside of each room. Replace with new trash bags.
Verify all thermostats in your area are set to 75 degrees.
Return all cleaning materials to the supply room.
Entry 1 Zone
Cleaning materials will be next to the door leading upstairs to A201.
Begin at the preschool doors and continue down the hall to the main entrance of the church.
Use a large, dry mop to sweep the entire linoleum floor from the Preschool Zone glass doors to the main church entrance.
Vacuum doormat in front of Children's Wing glass door.
Clean all fingerprints from all glass from the Preschool Zone to the main church entrance. Stop at the main entrance doors. The Entry 2 Zone will clean the doors.
Clean all countertops and tabletops in the entry area by the children’s wing.
Remove used trash bags from the trashcans in the entry area, near the mailbox table, and near the coffee cart, and replace them with clean bags.
Return all cleaning supplies to the cleaning box near A201.
Entry 2 Zone
Cleaning materials will be next to the door leading upstairs to A201.
Begin at the main church entrance and continue all the way through the Fellowship Hall.
Use a large dry mop to sweep the entire linoleum floor from the main church entrance to and including the entire Fellowship Hall area.
Vacuum both doormats in front of the main church entrance.
Clean all fingerprints from all glass of the doors of the main church entrance to the Fellowship Hall, including the south Fellowship Hall doors.
Clean all countertops and tabletops in the Fellowship Hall.
Neatly push all chairs under the tables.
Return all cleaning supplies to the cleaning box outside A201.
Room A201
Cleaning materials will be next to the door leading upstairs to A201.
Vacuum where needed using the vacuum stored permanently in room A201.
Wipe down countertops and tabletops.
Neatly push all chairs under the tables.
Empty all trash cans and replace each one with a clean trash bag. Place the tied bag in the hall downstairs outside the door.
Verify all thermostats in your area are set to 75 degrees.
Return all cleaning supplies to the box at the bottom of the A201 stairs.
High School Zone
(B107, B109, B110, B112, B114)
Cleaning materials will be outside the Southside Youth Room
Begin at the hallway doors entering the high school classrooms, and finish at the doors of the Southside Youth Room.
Floors: Sweep and vacuum where needed in all classrooms and hallways.
Clean all countertops and tabletops in each room.
Neatly push all chairs back under tables.
Glass: Clean all fingerprints and smudges from all glass.
Remove all trash bags and place tied bags in the hallway outside of each room. Replace with new trash bags.
Verify all thermostats in your area are set to 75 degrees.
Return Cleaning supplies to the supply room.
Southside Zone
(Southside Youth Room)
Cleaning materials will be outside the Southside Youth Room.
Begin at the doors entering the youth room and clean the entire Southside Youth Room and Southside Bathrooms.
Take down all chairs and lean them up against the back wall, in the corner between the long countertop and the doors going out to the back yard.
Sweep the entire Southside Youth Room.
Put the chairs back into rows like you found them.
Clean all countertops and tabletops, including bathroom countertops.
Neatly push all chairs back under the tables that run along the wall.
Glass: Clean all fingerprints and smudges from all Southside glass.
Bathrooms: Flush all toilets, clean floors, empty all trash, clean fingerprints off mirrors, wipe down all wet or dirty surfaces.
Remove all trash bags, including bathroom trash bags, and place tied bags in the hallway outside the Southside Youth Room. Replace with new trash bags.
Vacuum doormats if dirty.
Verify all thermostats in your area are set to 75 degrees.
Return all cleaning supplies to the supply room.
Upstairs Southside Zone
(B201, B204, B205, B206, B207, B209)
Cleaning materials will be outside B204
Floors: Sweep and vacuum where needed in all used classrooms and hallways.
Clean all countertops and tabletops in each used classroom.
Neatly push all chairs back under tables.
Glass: Clean all fingerprints and smudges from all glass.
Remove all trash bags and place tied bags at the bottom of the stairs. Replace with new trash bags.
Verify all thermostats in your area are set to 75 degrees.
Return Cleaning supplies to the supply room.
Children's Area and High School Hallway
Cleaning materials will be outside the Children's Area Bathrooms.
Flush and wipe down all toilets and urinals.
Wipe down all surfaces and soap dispensers.
Clean mirrors.
Empty all stall trash and remove all trash bags. Place tied bags in the hallway. Replace all trash bags.
Sweep and spot clean floors.
Return cleaning materials and feminine necessities box to the supply room.
All replacement trash bags are located in the church cleaning room, the first door on the right at the start of the high school hallway.
Gather all trash bags from the first floor of the building, from the preschool hallway to the Southside Youth Room.
Gather all trash bags from the second floor of the building.
Gather all trash bags from the Fellowship Hall.
Take all trash bags to the dumpster.
Check all hallways and bathrooms one last time to make sure all trash has been gathered.
Take any remaining trash bags to the dumpster.